2024.3 Release Notes

Build Number: 2024.3.0.16 Last updated: 7/1/2024

What's New

Security Enhancements

This update includes a critical security fix. In alignment with our commitment to transparency and trust, N-able has published the details of this security fix in CVE-2024-28200 and CVE-2024-5322. We encourage all partners to upgrade to this version as soon as possible.

New N-able Login available for On Prem partners!

N-able Login capabilities (MSP SSO) are now integrated into your N-central instance! We encourage you to enroll if you are using local login and shift to this new method of authentication.

We know that our partners use many tools and are burdened with managing multiple vendors and multiple logins per vendor. Our new login solution is set to solve that by providing you with seamless authentication and access to our products and our comprehensive success resources.

By shifting from local authentication to MSP SSO you will gain:

  • Security managed by our ISO certified security standards with MFA.

  • Quick access to our partner success resources such as knowledge, support, N-able University training, communities, and Market Builder.

  • Seamlessly movement between other N-able products such as Cove, Take Control, Passportal, and more.

Looking ahead, we will be integrating with additional 3rd-party identity providers directly in MSP SSO, such as Entra ID, so that you can have a single location to manage your N-able authentication across your entire N-able universe.

To learn how to enroll your users click here.

New Data Domains in Analytics Direct Data Access

In the last few weeks several new data domains have been made available to users of Direct Data Access allowing for more N-central insights by either querying the data directly or connecting it to your own BI tool.

Some highlighted use cases to report on include:

  • Last agent check-in by device

  • Last logged in user by device

  • OS version by device

  • AV Status and product by device

  • CPU Core count by server

  • Managed devices by OS

The new domains cover data related to:

  • Antivirus Status and Threats

  • Device Logins

  • Firewall Incidents

  • Network Bandwidth traffic

  • Patch Compliance

  • Remote Access

  • Usage

Learn more about the schemas, table relationships, and get started with basic SQL for each here. The data dictionary has been updated to reflect the changes as well.

REST API Endpoint Additions

There are several new REST API endpoints in 2024.3, including:

  • Create Device Access Group

  • Create Org Unit Access Group

  • Device Custom Property Modify

  • Org Custom Property Modify

  • Create SO

  • Create Customer

  • Create Site

  • Get User Role by role ID

  • Add User Role

  • Device List by OrgUnitID

  • Users List

After upgrading to 2024.3, you can view the updated list of REST API endpoints by navigating to your Swagger Documentation page located at https://Your_FQDN/api-explorer/.

New endpoints are initially released in a preview state so they will have ‘Preview’ prepended to the endpoint description.

Device Management for Apple Updates

  • Improved overall UI view and terminologies for Mac devices

  • Two new columns in Mobile Device view ('Status' to show still enrolled, 'Managed By' to show if it's DMA or Old MDM)

  • OS Update monitor: Added a new monitoring service to detect whether new OS updates are available for a device

  • Symlink to allow download of latest Mac Agent without needing to know the version for improved use within custom scripting

  • DMA added at Customer level: DMA is currently tied to the SO level, this version now allows you to deploy and manage at the customer level.

Usability Improvements

  • Add Device count to service template ‘Associated Devices’ table

  • Add search bar to Dashboard Filters

  • Split Password Status and Last Reset Date into two separate columns in Domain User Management

  • Additional Device Class “Servers – Linux” support for AMP based services

  • Add Serial Number column to All Devices and Active Issues views

Bug Fixes

There are many exciting fixes in this build, including nearly 30 partner reported bug fixes and 90 overall bug fixes. These changes encompass improvements in performance, EDR, Analytics issues with blank dashboards, Patching and more! Be sure to review the full list of included updates below for more details.

Upgrade Paths and Notes

To upgrade to N-able N-central 2024.3, your N-able N-central server must be running the following version:

  • N-able N-central 2023.4.0.32

  • N-able N-central 2023.5.0.12

  • N-able N-central 2023.6.0.9

  • N-able N-central 2023.7.0.10+

  • N-able N-central 2023.8.0.11+

  • N-able N-central 2023.9.0.25

  • N-able N-central 2023.9.0.26

  • N-able N-central 2023.9.1.30

  • N-able N-central 2024.1.0.17

  • N-able N-central 2024.2.0.18

  • N-able N-central 2024.2.0.20

Note the following when upgrading N-able N-central.

Tasks may expire if the agent on an associated device is being upgraded when the task is scheduled to be completed. Agent upgrades are normally short in duration but a delay may happen if a device re-start is pending.

Included updates in N-able N-central

N-central 2024.3 GA

If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2023.9, please note that because of the PostgreSQL upgrade included with N-central 2023.9, on-premise partners can expect this upgrade to take longer than previous upgrades may have. Please do NOT reboot your N-central server if the upgrade appears to be stuck. Please check the server console for error messages, or contact Support and they can advise on the progress and status of the upgrade.

Category Summary Item
Core [Performance] Add additional ON CONFLICT syntax to prevent transaction rollback while processing data on the SubmitQueue NCCF-48885
Core [Performance] NullPointerException on DeviceGet API if device has agent with null reportedosversion NCCF-204274
Core [Performance] Delayed "deviceList" Calls Due to Integration Checks with LaunchDarkly causing poor server performance NCCF-206743
Core [Performance] Performance concerns regarding maintenance threads causing issues with RDP connections NCCF-217957
Core [Performance] Multiple users seeing 'Upstream connect error' due to maintenance threads being stuck NCCF-219391
Core [Performance] Service degredation and issues sending data to the Analytics warehouse due to blocked threads on QueuedEventFileStore NCCF-225362
Core [Performance] Slow load times and uploads due to EventBootstrapper not launched in the eventproduction NCLI command NCCF-225484
Core [Performance] Analytics issues with blank dashboards: Startup of EventBufferController disables proper startup of QueuedEventFileStore NCCF-225513
Core [Performance] Slow server causing issues with backup file size and analytics data due to "waitUntilAllAcknowledgementsAreProcessedForTable" Timing Out NCCF-226794
Core [Performance] Issues creating custom dashboards from database connections holding for too long while scraping tables NCCF-228333
Core [Performance] Add Indexes to resolve performance issues with the submit queue that cause CPU spikes and unresponsive servers NCCF-239779
Core [Performance] Reduce ModelElementConverter use in repositories to improve performance of API calls NCCF-242413
Core [Performance] Add indexing to prevent slow loading of pages and filters, part one NCCF-248657
Core [Performance] Add indexing to prevent slow loading of pages and filters, part two NCCF-250669
Core [Performance] 'All Devices' view loading issues due to Getting reportedapplianceversion being slow from CustomerListScanTargets NCCF-251896
Core [Performance] Server offline caused by asset discovery submissions that cause service templates to re-apply NCCF-253175
Core [Usability] Add Device count to Service Template Associated Device table NCCF-16285
Core [Usability] Add search bar to dashboard filters NCCF-16333
Core [Usability] Break up Password Status column in Domain User Mgmt into 2 columns NCCF-17326
Core [Usability] Additional Device Class "Servers - Linux" Support for AMP-based Custom Services NCCF-17332
Core [Usability] Add search by serial number to the All Devices view NCCF-208378
Core [Usability] Add search by serial number to the Active Issues view NCCF-208379
Core Remove capability to clone Rules on Associations tabs NCCF-15098
Core EDR monitoring fix: Create NCLI command to send status checks of LWT EDR for proper monitoring deployment NCCF-204193
Core Agent Unable to Populate 'Services' and 'Applications' sub-tab of the 'Tools' tab NCCF-141453
Core Several vmware servers reporting that the CIM port is not responding NCCF-166018
Core Cannot Edit Customer or Site Due to XSS Validation on Folder Table NCCF-174965
Core Using Custom UI Port 7777 does not work causing upgrade to fail NCCF-194017
Core Domain User Management - Reset Password option is triggering the save action instead of showing password NCCF-195401
Core After Self Heal finishes, new data is not submitted which results in stale services NCCF-202536
Core System Error Provided, Instead of Permission Error Page for users without Patch permissions NCCF-22403
Core Custom Protocol Handler having to be re-installed every hour when using Remote Desktop NCCF-226933
Core Some agents don´t update to latest version even when configured to always update NCCF-227042
Core Events are not being sent due to hashmaps stating events should not be added to buffer NCCF-234513
Core Azure AD SSO not working with Key Vault configuration with error "Authority Uri should not have empty path segments" NCCF-235557
Core Remove mentions of SolarWinds from the Group Policy Deployment Script NCCF-240593
Core VMware-services for vCenter are showing Misconfigured although the actual oid value is a regular value since upgrading probes NCCF-242479
Core Prevent extra deviceIDs and devices to alleviate the loading of extra records during processing NCCF-76412
Core N-central "Login Name" Validation Error on Linked Azure AD Accounts NCCF-117945
Core Rare custom services can collide with serviceIDs of new EDR services, preventing their loading NCCF-171384
Core Housekeeping task for EDR failing to start, resulting in EDR monitoring checks not getting applied NCCF-215604
Core Remove deadlocks and improve thread synchronization in N-central eventing for Analytics NCCF-223386
Core Refactor the 'All Devices' page logic to remove redundant ServerUI calls when opening the devices screen NCCF-225324
Core N-central Upgrade Can fail to upgrade due to duplicate keys in `activityresult` database table NCCF-232532
Core Frequent disconnects mid session when using remote control without error NCCF-235960
Core EDR monitoring failing when there is a backlog of transactions waiting to complete NCCF-238753
Core LDAP user should not be available to link in the MSP SSO Provider -> Linked Users tab NCCF-240481
Core Fix redundancy in Last reset date for Password in Domain user Management page now that 'Last Reset Date' is its own column NCCF-241153
Core Errors when creating custom reports in Analytics NCCF-242418
Core Add LWT data reconciliation to EDR Housekeeping to ensure accurate EDR data is presented NCCF-245333
Core Add call to poll devices for missing third party id information to prevent missing EDR monitoring services NCCF-245338
Analytics EU can edit the scheduler item's calendar with previous/old dates/months/years DV-5642
Analytics UI - If user dismisses export while another is running, UI stops polling for second export DV-5726
Analytics UI - exportRequest uses incorrect reportWorkspaceId after setup DV-5728
Analytics UI - Report queries wrong dataset after report reset DV-5747
Analytics Msvc - Sometimes exportRequests are accepted but exports list is empty DV-5752
Analytics Bookmark(filters on report) is not reflecting in scheduler item's preview/sent mails for scheduler service v2 DV-5778
Analytics Bookmark(filters on report) is not reflecting in report's exports DV-5780
Analytics "nc-analytics/reports/exports/" has been not calling after "nc-analytics/reports/exportDismiss" call DV-5786
Analytics Getting 503 Service Unavailable more frequently in dev + stage envs DV-5789
Analytics Scheduler Config window Calendar fields are not responding when switching the "Repeat" mode from Weekly to Monthly or viceversa DV-5790
Analytics (Partially)Incorrect error message is showing when selecting same dates for "Starting" and "Ending" fields on Scheduler config dialog window DV-5791
Analytics Scheduler Service - Insecure logging for ISTIO mtls ingress DV-5800
Analytics UI - Requests report status with null workspaceId before workspace is setup DV-5802
Analytics Scheduler config is not allowing "Word" format to create new scheduler item for Paginated Reports DV-5809
Analytics Back button(<) action on Paginated Report's details screen is navigating back to Dashboards List screen instead Paginated Reports List screen DV-5810
Analytics All exports buttons are getting enabled when Export is in progress for Paginated reports DV-5812
Analytics Scheduler mail delivery getting failed in dev env DV-5814
Analytics "Starting" and "Ending" calendar fields are populating with field validation messages when changing "Repeat" type for existing scheduler item DV-5822
Analytics "Send On" calendar field validation message for "Repeat" value "Does not repeat" is getting disappeared when clicking out of the calendar field even for invalid date range DV-5823
Analytics "Reload Report" action for Paginated report's is spinning forever and blocking further actions on report DV-5837
Analytics Duplicated toaster message when changing between tabs DV-5838
Analytics UI - Not querying status when user opens already refreshing dashboard DV-5851
Analytics UI - Stops querying dashboard status while refreshing DV-5852
Analytics UI - don't trigger loader on dashboards/reports list after setup process DV-5853
Analytics Add missing header to feature flag request DV-5859
Analytics Sync in report's details screen is populating with "Next possible sync:null" value DV-5862
Analytics RequestExportService is not picking up the scheduler item's Report ID(reports/report-schedule-config/list) from the PowerBI Proxy for Paginated Reports DV-5867
Analytics "/reports/exportRequest" is being aborted when EU navigating back to Reports List screen or switching the paginated report from reports dropdown menu while "Export config is being collected" DV-5891
Analytics Export download toaster is showing as "Dashboard" instead of "Report" for Paginated reports DV-5892
Analytics Scheduler config with Monthly is not getting processed by scheduler service sending corn DV-5906
Analytics "WORD" format Paginated Report's Scheduler items are not getting processed by the Scheduler Service in dev DV-5908
Analytics Scheduler email attachment suffix is showing as ".undefined" instead of ".pptx" for config format type "Power Point" for both Dashboards and Reports DV-5909
Analytics "/reports/exportDismiss" should be removed after successful "/exportFetch" DV-5929
Analytics Duplicate Export Download Toaster is appearing on the dashboard/report list screen DV-5949
Ecosystem ServerMMS2:componentStatusUpdate Error with processEcosystemUpdate KUIP-4664
Ecosystem Time stamp recorded for migration status for non DNSF integrations in ecosystemm_customer_integration table KUIP-5889
Ecosystem For success calls from new API, the response format is incorrect KUIP-5897
Mac Resize the Mac Command Log iframe to make the 'Close' button visible MSAD-3568
Mac Enable Self-Healing tab in Monitor details for Mac Devices MSAD-3648
Mac Update the Self-Healing Action page for Mac devices to have Mac specific options MSAD-3649
Mac Hide unused Asset tabs that do not apply to Mac devices MSAD-3671
Mac Add the DMA status icon to the Device Details view MSAD-3695
Mac The system information icon for Mac OS's was displaying the wrong icon MSAD-3696
Mac Add DMA 'Commands' dropdown in Mobile devices screen MSAD-3697
Mac Use the 'Status' column to display if we have gotten a response from DMA about the device MSAD-3725
Mac Disable 'Old MDM' action buttons if there are no Old MDM devices present MSAD-3727
Mac Self-Healing for Mac with User provided scripts MSAD-3743
Mac Self-Healing for Mac audit logging MSAD-3744
Mac Create Symlink to latest Mac Agent version to generate a consistent download link to latest mac agent MSAD-3747
Mac Change DMA iframe route in N-central MSAD-3769
Mac Rename DMA permissions to reflect new DMA UI tab names MSAD-3770
Mac Add OS Update Monitoring for out-of-the-box Mac Monitoring MSAD-3775
Mac Add DMA to Customer level in configuration menu for users with appropriate permissions MSAD-3798
Mac Fetch enrollment profile API call doesn't have correct permissions MSAD-3851
Patch Management Patches not installing because schedule runs with old classifications PMCM-5540
Patch Management Patches not installing because OnSchedule patches are filtered out on immediate maintenance window + removal of lastKnownClassifications PMCM-7077
Patch Management When the Agent processes immediate windows through the scheduled job, “OnSchedule” patches could be installed rather than “Now” ones PMCM-7078
Patch Management Prioritize multiple immediate patch windows the proper way PMCM-7774

Known Issues

These items for the current version of the N-able N-central software is composed of material issues significantly impacting performance whose cause has been replicated by N-able and where a fix has not yet been released. The list is not exclusive and does not contain items that are under investigation. Any known limitations set forth herein may not impact every customer environment. The N-able N-central software is being provided as it operates today. Any potential modifications, including a specific bug fix or any potential delivery of the same, are not considered part of the current N-able N-central software and are not guaranteed.

Agents & Probes



Communication issues may be encountered for N-able N-central Probes installed on Windows servers that have multiple NICs. For more information, refer to 'KBA20020:ConfiguringAServer WithMultipleNICs' in the online Help.


Automation Manager

AV Defender and Backup Manager – D2D



Running Automation Manager Policies created using Automation Manager 1.6 or earlier may result in Failed to create an EndDate ... errors if the Policies are run on a computer using a different date format. This issue does not affect Policies created using Automation Manager 1.7 or later.


Custom Services



Custom services may appear as misconfigured when the system locale of the device is not set to English. For example, in Portuguese the default decimal in c#/.net is not a period, ".", it is a comma, ",". If you are having this issue, please contact N-able Technical Support.


Core Functionality



Installing N-able N-central on Servers that have an Nvidia Video Card

Due to a bug in CentOS 7 with Nvidia's 'Nouveau' driver, installing N-able N-central on servers that have an Nvidia video card may result in the N-able N-central console showing a blank screen, or displaying an Anaconda Installer screen with an error message about the video card driver.


If you have the need to use Conditional Access Policies for your Azure AD/Entra ID linked users, there is a known issue that prevents your users from logging in. We have identified a workaround by using Custom (OpenID Connect) instead. To learn more, click HERE. NCCF-31030

HDM does not work with the 'Last 5 Tickets' widget.





Modifying a Dashboard that is associated with a large number of services may cause performance issues when using the Firefox browser.


PSA Integration



In some instances, tickets closed in PSAs are not being cleared in N-able N-central. This is likely because the ticketing recipient profile in N-able N-central has Do not change the Ticket Status selected (in order to manually configure tickets). Then, when the ticket is removed in the PSA, N-able N-central will not be able to update or resolve the ticket's status and new tickets cannot be created for the same issue. Until a solution is available through the UI for this situation, the work around is to set a Return to Normal status and set a non-used status in the 'updatable statuses' section or set the same status as the return to normal one. This will cause N-able N-central to add a note to the ticket on return to normal but will not alter the ticket's status. This will allow the stale ticket check to remove the ticket from the system.





When Cove Data Protection is installed on a device, the device details view will not light up the Cove icon in the features row correctly. NCCF-162108

After re-naming, the Names of files or Registry entries may not be displayed properly in the File System window and the Registry window of the Tools tab when using Internet Explorer.